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Selected projects 2007 - 2008

Selected projects supporting International Business Collaboration in 2007 and 2008

Title    Improving efficiency through a Management Information System as part of eGovernment Services in Polynesia
Client    ICT Directorate / Office of the Prime Minister
Duration    March - June 2008
Location    Polynesia / Cook Islands
Project Objectives
To design a web- and Intranet-based Management Information System (MIS) for 15 Ministries; to analyse long term cost factors and establish a performance matrix; to perform work process analysis, to develop a forecasting costing scheme for eGovernment implementation and long term maintenance; to design the MIS to be run autonomously by the staff and to provide for transparent services between government institutions and citizens.
Scope and Results
A cost analysis and project management model (incl. work breakdown structure) taking into account the diversity of the ministries and beneficiaries - from driving licenses application to a taxation system (e.g. for the pearl industry); the cost analysis covered a period of ten years, including MIS implementation, change management, technical maintenance and continuous adaptation.

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Due to the remote location all island data communication goes via satellite

The utmost beautiful scenery made tourism to become the main business sector

On 15 islands eGovernment services for citizens and businesses are under development; the main objective is to cut down long travel between the islands which spread over more than 1000 kilometers

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The Cook Islands comprises 15 widely-dispersed islands in the South Pacific Ocean
Ministries & Departments

Title    Establishing an annual African Round Table on ICT in Education and Training for African Ministers and Industry Leaders
Duration    September 2006 – June 2008
Location    Nairobi / Kenya, Accra / Ghana
Project Objectives
To provide an annual forum for African Ministers of Education and Industry Leaders on ICT-enhanced education and training programs. To highlight good practice in strategy development and program implementation, provide recommendations and guidelines, and help to maximize the impact of sound ICT-related policies on African educational systems.
Scope and Results
The first African “High-Level Policy Maker and Industry Leader Round Table and Retreat on ICT for Education, Training, and Development – RTR” was initiated on May 28, 2007 during the “eLearning Africa” conference in Nairobi. Hosted by the Kenyan Minister of Education, ten Ministers from five African countries and from India, 23 high-level education administrators, and high-level corporate representatives participated at event. The 2nd RTR convened on May 27, 2008 in Accra, Ghana. The event was attended by eight Ministers and four Special Envoys of African Governments representing nine African countries, as well as by representatives from five international corporations. The 3rd Ministerial Roundtable took place during the “eLearning Africa” conference in May 2010 in Lusaka, Zambia. The RTR has become the premier African meeting point for high level policy makers and industry leaders for strategy formulation and monitoring on ICTs in African educational systems.

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High-Level Policy Maker and Industry Leader Round Table in Accra, Ghana

High-Level Policy Maker and Industry Leader Round Table in Nairobi, Kenya

References/Links, Additional Files

Address of Hon. Prof. Dominic Fobih, M.P. & Minister of Education, Science & Sports - Ghana
Ministerial roundtable for inclusive education systems 2010, Lusaka / Zambia
Inclusive Education a Priority for Ministers' Meeting in Zambia, May 2010

Title    Building awareness about learning technologies through a series of countrywide seminars for the Ministry of Education with more than 800 participants
Client    Ministry of Education, Science and Sports; Accra, Ghana
Duration    January 2008 – June 2008
Location    Accra, Ghana
Project Objectives
To conceptualize and implement a series of awareness and capacity building lectures about „eLearning Service Development“ for academic and vocational training institutions in Ghana together with the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration – GIMPA, Accra; the University of Ghana, Accra; the University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast; the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi; the Sunyani Polytechnic, Sunyani; the Catholic University of Ghana, Sunyani; the University of Education, Kumasi; and the University for Development Studies, Tamale.
Scope and Results
The team of lecturers travelled by car about 2400 km from Accra to Cape Coast in the south, to Kumasi and Sunyani in the center, and to Tamale in the north of the country, covering major regions of Ghana. The hosting universities had invited academic staff and students from neighbouring and affiliated institutions as far as from Navrongo at the border to Burkina Faso to join the events. More than 800 lecturers, administrators, researchers and students attended the events.
The lecturers had a number of bilateral consultative meetings with key educational stakeholders up-country, gained insights into the educational landscape of Ghana, and enjoyed the very lively debates during and after their presentations. The welcome and appreciation by the participants was almost overwhelming.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Sports viewed the lectures as a success in sensitizing the Ghanaian educational community throughout the country on the high relevance of eLearning and preparing academic staff and students for the 2008 eLearning Africa conference.

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The experts on learning technologies on the Ghana national radio

Discussing the role of learning technologies for Ghana on TV

eLearning lecture at the "Kwame Nkrumah University" in Kumasi, Ghana

Title    Enhancing Spatial Environmental Planning and Management through a Project Reporting and Training Portal in India
Duration    June 2007 - July 2007
Location    Delhi / India, Cologne / Germany
Project Objectives
To design an easy to handle web-based project reporting system as part of a large scale capacity building programme; to set up a web based training database and project Intranet; to train staff in web-based content management and establish quality assurance procedures for project documentation.
Scope and Results
An electronic system for documentation of a large scale human resources development programme on spacial environmental planning and environmental management was introduced to the Ministry of Environment in India; a fast and efficient set up methodology was applied in order to rapidly document and maintain several hundred courses on environmental management; the course content is now maintained by the project stakeholders themselves, who work in de-centralized teams

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Main page of the Human Resource Development Portal

References/Links, Additional Files

Icon Platform (478KB)
The new web based platform for organizing hundreds of courses on environmental management

Title    Left-to-Right and Right-to-Left language Content Management System for capacity builing programmes in Egypt
Duration    December 2006 - June 2007
Location    Cairo, Egypt
Project Objectives
To establish electronic work procedures for efficient project monitoring and electronic documentation of project progress; to develop a methodology for fast electronic documentation of capacity building projects; to perform a series of hands-on workshops in a public sector organisation on electronic documentation and online reporting; to set up a content management system for simultaneous self-publishing of Left-to-Right and Right-to-Left language content (English/Arabic).
Scope and Results
The content management system for left-to-right and right-to-left language content was built in parallel to a series of three hands-on authoring workshops with project representatives; the new project portal addresses pragmatically the needs of extensive project documentation for the customer and the demand for performance improvement in a network of governmental and non-governmental institutions; a project Intranet was built containing all project reports of a large scale governmental programme for social development.

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View on the web-based monitoring and documentation system

References/Links, Additional Files

Icon In the news (66KB)
The Egyptian Gazette, 16 Dec. 2006

Title    Supporting the Ministry of Education in Kenya through a series of eLearning Awareness Seminars
Client    Kenyatta University, Nairobi / Kenya
Duration    January 2007 - May 2007
Location    Kenya; Nairobi, Nakuru, Mombasa, Nyeri
Project Objectives
To run a series of awareness and capacity building lectures about „eLearning Service Development“ at academic and vocational training institutions in Kenyan regional centers up-country, as part of the Pan-African annual "eLearning Africa" conference in Nairobi. http://www.eLearning-Africa.com
Scope and Results
The lectures have been taking place in February and March in Nairobi at the "Water Institute" of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, the "Kenya Technical Teachers College", as well as at the centers of the Kenyatta University "Institute of Open Learning" in Nakuru, Nyeri and Mombasa. More than 250 Kenyans participated, half of them academic staff and half of them students.

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Kenyatta University „Institute of Open Learning Center“ in Mombasa, 10 March 2007

Kenyatta University „Institute of Open Learning Center“ in Nyeri, 3 March 2007

Kenyatta University „Institute of Open Learning Center“ in Nakuru, 24 February 2007

Kenyatta University, 23 February 2007

Kenya Technical Teacher Training College, 22 February, 2007

Title    Bid Management for a public sector ICT infrastructure tender in East Africa
Client    International Industry Consortium
Duration    December 2006, January 2007
Location    East Africa
Project Objectives
To assess the risks of a fixed price ICT infrastructure solution delivered by an international industry and public sector consortium in Eastern Africa; to manage the bidding process on behalf of the main contractor; to design the capacity building component as part of the consortium´s services; to plan the 4 years project on behalf of the main contractor; to harmonize the stakeholder´s interests
Scope and Results
Project budget for phase 1 (4 years) is approx. 12 Million USD; a roll-out at a larger scale after 4 years has been piloted. The capacity building components comprise approx. 25% of the project budget. The consortium´s stakeholder come from national and international IT industry (system integrators, software engineering companies, hardware providers), IT and management training providers, public sector institutions (e.g. Ministries). As a result a strong capacity building and change management component had been designed, a project implementation team had been formed (a core team of approx. 15 international long term experts), a project master plan had been developed, costs and profitability had been calculated.

Title    Increasing efficiency and transparency in a large scale construction project for 15 new universities through a web-based Monitoring and Reporting System
Client    The Ethiopian Ministry of Capacity Building, GTZ International Services
Duration    October 2006 - January 2007
Location    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Project Objectives
To analyse and improve electronic work processes in a decentralized and large scale project with 15 construction sites; to establish and introduce a web based project reporting and monitoring system based on open source technologies ; to design efficient electronic documentation work-flows on-site in the departments for construction planning and corporate communications; to manage the change process and monitor quality of documentation during the change phase.
Scope and Results
The Reporting and Monitoring Portal addresses the need for efficient electronic workflows and progress documentation at 15 university construction sites in Ethiopia during five years (2005 - 2010, construction investment approx. EUR 240 Million); the portal was approved by the Ethiopian Ministry of Capacity Building as the main instrument for documentation and reporting for the project; the documentation of the construction progress is fully managed by national construction and corporate communication experts; new electronic work processes and the technology solution have been developed and introduced on-site.

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Construction portal main page

The portal implementation team

References/Links, Additional Files

University Capacity Building Program
Icon In the news (60KB)
The Ethiopian Herald, 09 Jan. 2007
Capacity Development for Ethiopia’s Construction Sector


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